(Hard disk password is not set the same as the supervisor password.) (硬盘密码与超级用户密码不一样)
1. Set the correct password for hard disk drive.(设置正确的硬盘密码)
(Dead battery.) (CMOS 电池不行)
1. Go to Checking the Backup Battery
2. Backup battery.(CMOS 备份电池,在内存插槽旁边)
3. System board. (主板)
(Time and date were not set.) (系统时间没有设好或混乱)
1. Set time and date.(设置正确的系统时间)
2. System board. (主板问题)
(Configuration data was lost.) (CMOS 设备配置信息丢失)
1. Select OK in the error screen; then set the time and date.
(在 开机 ERROR 画面上按OK,然后设置系统时间)
2. Backup battery. (CMOS 电池需要更换)
3. System board. (主板问题)
(Configuration error: Perform Checking the Installed Devices List before changing any FRUs.)
1. Check device configuration.
2. Hard disk drive assembly.
3. System board.
175, 177, 178
175: EEPROM CRC #1 error.
177: Supervisor password check sum error.
178: EEPROM is not functional.
1. System board. (检查主板)
1701: Hard disk controller failure. (硬盘控制器故障)
1780, 1790: Hard disk 0 error. (主硬盘有问题)
1781, 1791: Hard disk 1 error.(从硬盘有问题)
1. Hard disk drive (检查硬盘)
2. System board (检查主板)